2011年1月26日(水)に、丸の内カフェ(千代田区丸の内3-3-1 新東京ビルジング1F)で旅と英会話スキルのセミナー”「私だけの旅」をつくる簡単英会話”の講師を勤めさせていただきました♪受講者の皆さんが、ノリノリで発音練習を一緒にやってくださったので、嬉しかったです。




December 31, 2008

Year of the Ox

The symbol animal of year 2009 is OX. Pastelaria Gojo in Tokyo's Ichigaya district has offered annual special sweets based on the Oriental Zodiac. And the newest version is "Ox Cakes."

The cheese cake-based sweets are too cute to eat... But I couldn't help but eating them up...NO, I just ate one of them!

"The Year of the Rat" might be the good one for many people on the earth. But for me, the year 2008 was just great! I had such a wonderful time with my family, friends whom I know for years, and new friends I just met this year.

Thank you for the year 2008 and Hello to the year 2009!

I'm looking forward to making good memories in the coming year.

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