2011年1月26日(水)に、丸の内カフェ(千代田区丸の内3-3-1 新東京ビルジング1F)で旅と英会話スキルのセミナー”「私だけの旅」をつくる簡単英会話”の講師を勤めさせていただきました♪受講者の皆さんが、ノリノリで発音練習を一緒にやってくださったので、嬉しかったです。




May 10, 2009

Double Rainbows in Tokyo!

It is not common for Tokyoites to see rainbows in town.
However, I was able to see one for the first time in the last decade (or two!).
AND the rainbow was doubled!!!

In the early morning, it was raining soooooo hard, so I gave up walking to the metro station and got a cab for work. I worked 8-9 hours straight, and, when I was almost done, my colleagues pointed out window and shouted "RAINBOW!!"

Is it gonna be a good sign of something? Or this incident itself might be the LUCKY ONE.

Anyway, I felt soooo good afterwards.

"Somewhere/ Over the Rainbow...s" Shall we sing?

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