2011年1月26日(水)に、丸の内カフェ(千代田区丸の内3-3-1 新東京ビルジング1F)で旅と英会話スキルのセミナー”「私だけの旅」をつくる簡単英会話”の講師を勤めさせていただきました♪受講者の皆さんが、ノリノリで発音練習を一緒にやってくださったので、嬉しかったです。




August 19, 2013

Venezia 2013: Giorno 3 -- Painting Ponte Rialto & Ca' d'Oro

On the third day in Venice, I overslept... I guess this is the sign that I have overcome jet lag.
I ate an apple and a boiled egg in my room, and then went out to visit land marks of this city... of course for my painting.


As I have a 7-day pass for vaporetto, I took it from San Marco fermata to Ponte Rialto. As the 7-day pass costs 50 euro, and as I can use it only for 5 days, I have to take it at least 2 rides a day to payback the value (each ride cost 7 euro, but 12-hour pass costs 18 euro... It is quite hard to calculate... please refer to the ACTV homepage in English.

I looked for a nice spot to paint the beautiful bridge, and possibly under the shade. So, I was seated a restaurant by the bridge and ordered a bottle of sparkling water and a seafood pizza for a bit early lunch... And eventually a cup of coffee after the meal, or they would not let me stay there. The chief waiter of the restaurant was not really nice for a painter, he wanted to kick me out as soon as I finish eating... so why not? I took my time.

Well... besides the wonderful view, the restaurant was nothing... 
As I'm not always a nice tourist, but an honest person, I wrote a review for TripAdvisor, as a tip for other innocent tourists.
Though quite many people mentioned their compliment to the restaurant, they probably never been to real Italian restaurants in their lives...

Then, I headed toward the next spot for my second piece of the day -- Ca' d'Oro.
I walked to the market and found a spot to see the facade of the beautiful mansion over the canal.
I usually try to spend at most 1 hour for each piece of my watercolors, I spent nearly 2 hours for this one. The exterior of the historic building was too complicated but too beautiful to give up painting in detail... 

By the time I finishing this piece, I got really tired because of the unusual heat and too much concentration on the work. So, I decided to go home.  On the way back to the hotel, I looked for a supermarket for the local people to buy bottles of water.  Around the hotel, bars and shops sell only 500ml bottles for 2-3 euro each, or I could get 250cc bottle for 10 euro in the hotel room fridge...

I crossed the Rialto Bridge again and walked along back streets to find local people with plastic bags... and finally I found a Coop! They sell 2-litter mineral water bottles for 0.65 euro... so I grabbed 2 and carried them back to hotel.  Why not?

To change the mood and get freshen up, I changed clothes and went out for the Harry's, one of the most historic and famous restaurants/bars in Venice, for dinner.
I had beef carpaccio and bellini to start the dinner and then enjoyed their popular gratinate spaghetti and a grilled sole in local style.  Though the place is quite expensive, I really loved the beautiful dinner there.  

Bravo, Venice!!

August 18, 2013

Venezia 2013: Giorno 2 -- Painting in Burano Island

On the second day, actually the first day in Venice for me, I went to Burano Island, where there are many colorful houses greet us. As a matter of fact, one of the most important events for me during this trip is to visit this beautiful fishing/lacework village for my painting.

When I came here last time (11 years ago!), I didn't have much time for painting, especially in Burano, so I really wanted to paint beautiful houses this time.

After finishing the first piece, I took lunch at a restaurant Riva Rosa in the center of Burano commercial street. Because of the heat from Africa, temperature easily went up to 34-38c during day time in Venice this year, and of course on this day too, I seated outside as I wanted to paint the view from the restaurant after the meal.

I enjoyed their local special spaghetti with blue mussels and then painted another piece with colorful houses and a canal.  As the street was quite busy, I was like a tourist spot with many people watching/taking photos of me... No problem! My pleasure!!
Before I left the island, I stopped by a boutique selling accessories of Murano glasses. Though I decided to buy necklaces for my Mom and sister-in-law, I was not fully satisfied with their designs -- colors of strings and/or combinations of glass beads.  So, I asked shop people for alternatives. Then, the son of the family-ran boutique, who is to be the shop owner in the future, let me to pick strings and glass beads and then he assembled them just for me on the spot.  How nice of him! Yes, I could manage to get ORIGINAL souvenirs for my family!!



しかも日本人(欧州在住ではなく、女性で・・・)が一人旅というのは珍しいらしく、現地の人からは少し驚いたようなリアクションをされます。確かに日本人旅行客は、家族単位やハネムーン、しかも旅行社のパック旅行で来ている事が多いので、1日ブラーノで時間を気にせずのんびり過ごしたり、ベネチアの旧市街に連泊するケースは意外と少ないのかもしれません。 実際、旧市街への入り口にあるトランシェットと呼ばれる大型駐車場のある場所には毎朝、大型観光バスが横付けされて、団体旅行客が大挙してベネチアに上陸、水上バスでサンマルコ寺院に向かう姿を見かけます。おそらく、周遊型旅行でローマやフィレンツェ、ミラノなどを周り、その途中でベネチアに立ち寄ったのでしょう。

でもせっかく「水の都」に来たのですから、時間があればぜひ連泊して、小さなカナルや細い路地を迷いながら歩く醍醐味を味わって頂きたいです。 トランシェットやベネチア鉄道駅からサンマルコ寺院の停留所まで、水上バスですと30分ぐらいかかりますが、ベネチア島は非常にこじんまりしているので、写真を撮りながらゆっくり歩いても、実は片道40ー50分で歩けるんです。荷物がなければ水上のラビリンス探索は断然、徒歩がお薦めです。

Venezia 2013: Giorno 1=スキポール経由でベニスへ

The gateway of Summer Vacation!!
I took a week off to visit Venice, Italy, for my watercolors this year.
It is always exciting to be here at the Narita (Tokyo) International Airport before the departure.


 This time, I will only stay in Venice (6 nights), so I take KLM flights to save time for transfers.
So, even at the
attractive Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, I don't have much time for shopping.

Hurry, Hurry!!

As my flight arrives in late at night, I requested the hotel people to pick me up at the airport. It surely pricy but I would pay for it for my security.  I really don't feel like carrying heavy luggage from airport buildings to bus terminal to go to city of Venice, and then to take a boat taxi to the hotel all by myself...

 About a 50-min. gorgious cruise took me to the hotel (Westine Europe & Regina), and my 1st day of Adventure 2013 was about to end without having any troubles. OK, it's time to go to bed now...



旅程上、KLMでスキポール空港乗り換え(乗り継ぎ時間も最短のものをチョイス)でベネチア入りするルートを選んだので、ベネチアへの到着は夜10時半。荷物が出てくる時間や市内へ入る交通手段(旧市街入り口まではバスかタクシー、旧市街の中はボートタクシーかヴァポレットと呼ばれる水上バスのみ)をかんがみ、一人で料金を交渉したりしてホテルにたどり着くのはリスクが高すぎると判断。一人旅には贅沢すぎる金額ではありますが、ホテル(ウエスティン)のコンシェルジュに空港まで迎えに来てもらうオプションを選びました。これは、1人でも2~3人でも料金は変わらないので、複数人であれば消して「高すぎる」料金ではないはずです。 実際のところ、3泊すれば1泊タダ、みたいな大幅割引を利用したので、その分がふっとぶぐらいの値段ではありましたが、安全をお金で買えるならば・・・と割り切りました(そして、この判断は正解だったと思います)。

イタリアの旅にはいつも「思いもよらぬハプニング」がつきものなのですが、今回はどんなハプニングが待ち構えているのやら・・・? ドキドキの旅がはじまります。